Flagship School

Daycamps during Summer break (English and German) for kids between the ages of 4 and 12!

Summer ho­li­day? Bo­red child­ren? Not wi­th our Day­camps! We are of­fe­ring English and Ger­man Day­camps for chil­dren be­tween the ages of 4 and 12!

We are of­fe­ring a weekly pro­gram­me from 

24.06.19 - 28.06.19,

01.07.19 - 05.07.19,

08.07.19 - 12.07.19,

 15.07.19 - 19.07.19,

22.07.19 - 26.07.19,

29.07.19 - 02.08.19,

05.08.19 - 09.08.19,

12.08.19 - 16.08.19,

19.08.19 - 23.08.19

and 26.08.19 - 30.08.19.

Don’t gi­ve bo­re­dom a chan­ce this holiday!

With our in­struc­tors you can visit the Britzer Garten with its beautiful landscape and various gaming and learning locations for children or you can go to the nearby playground. Ex­cur­si­ons to the Volkspark, which is not far away, will show you the be­au­ti­ful si­de of summer: you can enjoy the warm summer sun, eat a refreshing ice cream and play funny games outdoors with the other children.

The­re will be play les­sons held se­ver­al ti­mes ever­y­day, whe­re you can do han­dicrafts and sing songs – of cour­se ever­y­thing in the English or Ger­man lan­gua­ge!

In the­se Day­camps we would li­ke to pro­vide your chil­dren wi­th the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ac­quaint them­selves wi­th the En­glish or Ger­man lan­guage and to im­prove their lan­guage com­pe­tence by me­ans of in­ter­est­ing recre­ation­al ac­tiv­i­ties in a care­free and play­ful at­mo­sphere

When?  31.07.17 - 04.08.17, 07.08.17 - 11.08.17, 14.08.17 - 18.08.17, 21.08.17 - 25.08.17. From 9:00 un­til 16:30 o'clock.

Ear­ly Child­ca­re at 7:30 am

In the Summer Break of 2019 we are offering our customers, per request, additional childcare beginning at 7:30 am. As our Summer Language Camps do not begin until 9:00 am, children will now have the opportunity to play, learn and interact under experienced supervision starting at 7:30 am.

Re­qui­re­ments? So­me pre-know­ledge in the tar­get lan­gua­ge is a plus; howe­ver it is not a ne­ces­si­ty!

Upon in­te­rest or ques­ti­ons, plea­se feel free to con­tact us – we are look­ing for­ward to re­cei­ving your en­qui­ry!

The best part.…
The camps are avail­able for all child­ren – you don’t need to be one of our re­gu­lar cli­ents to join. Per­haps your best fri­end is interested too! Ta­ke him/her along – the mo­re the mer­ri­er!

Another location for our Daycamps in Prenzlauer Berg!

From summer 2019 on our popular Daycamps takes also place in the Footsteps-Dancestudios-Prenzlauer Berg at Heinrich-Roller-Str. 15 in 10405 Berlin.

In the following weeks you can also visit our English and German Daycamps in the City Berlin East:

From Monday, 24.06.2019 to Friday, 28.06.2019 from 9:00 Uhr to 16:30.

From Monday, 01.07.2019 to Friday, 05.07.2019 from 9:00 Uhr to 16:30.

From Monday, 08.07.2019 to Friday, 12.07.2019 from 9:00 Uhr to 16:30.

From Monday, 15.07.2019 to Friday, 19.07.2019 from 9:00 Uhr to 16:30.

From Monday, 22.07.2019 to Friday, 26.07.2019 from 9:00 Uhr to 16:30.

From Monday, 29.07.2019 to Friday, 02.08.2019 from 9:00 Uhr to 16:30.


For further information please contact our school office at 030/67068590 or info@spielsprachschule-berlin.de.