Flagship School

Pre­pa­ra­to­ry cour­ses for English-spea­king Pri­ma­ry and Eu­ro­pa schools

In Ber­lin, par­ents ha­ve the op­ti­on to send their child­ren to a bi­lin­gu­al pri­ma­ry school or a Eu­ro­pa school ra­ther than their lo­cal pri­ma­ry school.  In the­se bi­lin­gu­al and Eu­ro­pa schools, child­ren le­arn along­side na­ti­ve spea­kers. Due to the fact that so­me of the sub­jects are taught in the se­cond lan­gua­ge, the child­ren who are Ger­man na­ti­ve spea­kers must bring wi­th them cer­tain ba­sic qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons in the se­cond lan­gua­ge. In or­der to test the­se lan­gua­ge skills the schools con­duct a 20 mi­nu­te test which normal­ly ta­kes place in la­te au­tumn and is con­duc­ted by na­ti­ve spea­kers.

In our pre­pa­ra­to­ry cour­ses we pre­pa­re child­ren for this im­portant test. The ear­lier the child starts the­se cour­ses, the hig­her the chan­ce of suc­cess. The child should be­gin the cour­se no la­ter than one ye­ar pri­or to the test.  In or­der to pre­pa­re the child for this test si­tua­ti­on we roll play a test si­tua­ti­on. This ta­kes place towards the last quar­ter of the cour­se and enables any gaps in voca­bu­la­ry/un­der­stan­ding to be found. This en­su­res that the child is fa­mi­li­ar wi­th the test si­tua­ti­on and can suc­cess­ful­ly com­ple­te the test re­la­xed and wi­thout fe­ar.

We ha­ve a suc­cess ra­te of 85%.


Co­ope­ra­ti­on wi­th bi­lin­gu­al or English-spea­king schools

We of­fer our lan­gua­ges cour­ses in ma­ny pri­ma­ry schools. The­se ta­ke place in the af­ter­noons and in af­ter school clubs. English is still the most po­pu­lar lan­gua­ge cour­se.

We es­pe­ci­al­ly en­joy wor­king wi­th schools which al­re­a­dy teach bi­lin­gu­al or English spea­king child­ren. In the­se schools we find a hig­her de­mand for our French and Spa­nish cour­ses, as well as our Ger­man as a se­cond lan­gua­ge cour­ses (http://www.spiel­sprach­schu­le.com/ber­lin/).

For se­ver­al ye­ars now, we ha­ve be­en co­ope­ra­ting wi­th the Nel­son-Man­de­la-School (http://www.sis­ber­lin.de/) whe­re we ha­ve Spa­nish and French cour­ses. We are pl­an­ning to work along­side the Ber­lin Bri­tish School (http://www.ber­lin­bri­tish­school.de/).

Co­ope­ra­ti­on wi­th "Die Idealisten e.V." and Ar­che Hel­lers­dorf

Since May 2015 there is a cooperation with "Die Idealisten e.V.". Idealisten e.V. is a charitable association that deals with the advancement of youth welfare and work with the elderly, national education and social engagement. The center of attention of their work is the organisation and realisation of activities and meetings for all age groups, especially to get to know other people of all ages and to be a place for collective activities. In the premises of Idealisten e.V. we are offering weekly language classes in different locations.

We are organizing a joint pro­ject wi­th the Ar­che Hel­lers­dorf since au­tumn 2012. He­re we are ta­king part in non-paid work of­fe­ring English to child­ren from so­ci­al­ly di­sad­van­ta­ged fa­mi­lies. We be­lie­ve that along wi­th ca­re, edu­ca­ti­on is one of the best gifts which can be gi­ven to a child.