
Contents of this web page:
The contents of this web page were drawn up with greatest possible care. Nevertheless, the provider does not vouch for the correctness, the completeness and the up-to-date information of the contents provided. The use of the contents occurs at one's own risk.

External links:
The web page contains links to web pages of third parties. These web pages are subject to the liability of the provider concerned. At the first link-up with the external links the provider checked the foreign contents to see if any breach of law has occured. At this point of time no breaches of law were evident. The provider has no influence at all on the present or future arrangement and contents of the linking pages. Setting up external links in no way means that the provider has adopted the contents. The provider cannot maintain a continuous check of the external links without concrete evidence of any breach of law. Should such breaches of law become known, such external links will immediately be deleted.